Through March 31, 2020, 100% of book proceeds will be donated to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to help those impacted by COVID-19. 

 If you have been personally affected we'd like to make this book available to you for free. simply request a refund after your purchase. 

Thanks for subscribing -- and getting your hands on our FREE DIGITAL BOOK --- featuring invaluable lessons learned from our Rich Ad Poor, Ad Podcasts!

After Grilling Top Media Buyers and Entrepreneurs in 70+ Hard-Hitting Episodes, We’re Pulling Back The Curtain To Reveal Their Secrets for Crushing it in These Turbulent Times.

"Five Stars! This book teaches what 7-Figure 'Rich Advertisers' do to in a recession that 'Poor Advertisers' simply don't understand."

"Five Stars! This book teaches what 7-Figure 'Rich Advertisers' do to survive constantly- changing-market challenges that 'Poor Advertisers' simply don't understand."

Eric Carlson, Co-Founder 10x Factory 

Eric Carlson, Co-Founder 10x Factory & Sweat Pants Agency

FunnelDash - Trusted By Top Ad Spenders!

So, How Do You Survive As An Advertiser In An Insanely Unpredictable Market?

Hey, Zach Johnson, Founder of FunnelDash here with my Rich Ad, Poor Ad podcast Co-Host , Dylan Carpenter… and we’re about to be your new best friend…‍

Because we’re going to show you how to create the requisite income, with highly-and-genuinely-profitable ads, so you can position yourself to 

- Survive the financial effects of the next curveball the world economy is going to throw us -- and there WILL be one. 
- Position yourself to take FULL advantage of the coming economic rebound. (You do NOT want to be caught flat-footed and miss once-in-a- lifetime opportunities.)

Paid traffic has the power to help you overcome these challenging times. 
Now, if you’re wondering what gives me the right to make such a bold claim in the first place...Under my leadership, I've grown FunnelDash to over 5,000+ customers and $1 Billion Dollars in ad spend going through the platform.
My private clients have included influencers such as Dr. Axe, Marie Forleo, Dan Kennedy, Dean Graziozi to name a few.
I'm also a noted keynote speaker and industry leader who's now on a mission to fund $1 Billion in ad spend over the next 5 years.
Without the advertising concepts & principles I’m about to give you, I would NOT have even a fraction of the success I enjoy today.
But before I tell you any more about this book and why we’re offering it for so cheap, let me tell you the tale of two advertisers.

Zach Johnson, Founder & Rich Ad, Poor Ad Co-Host 

Dylan Carpenter,  Rich Ad, Poor Ad Co-Host

It Was Time For The UNTHINKABLE: Shutting Down My Business...

6:15 am - On my veranda in Austin TX, 

Listening to the news of the coronavirus hysteria. 
In the last 30 days, two entrepreneurs sat down to write an ad.
They both started their companies at the same point in time. Both were active in setting goals, posting on vision boards, and repeating positive affirmations.

Both at risk of their business being affected by coronavirus. 
And of course, both of them held the conviction that they would succeed and prosper.
On their individual journeys, they landed on the same advertising platform.
One published an ad that transformed his business into a financial powerhouse with a strong revenue engine overnight.
The other published a very similar ad, but failed to break even and eventually had to shut down his business.
What's the difference?

"The Most Dependable And Consistent Way To Generate Wealth...

.... is to turn advertising into profit" ~ Frank Kern

And even more so in a down economy.  

I get it. EVERYBODY and his mother is talking about FUNNELS these days. "You're only one funnel away... yada yada..."
... and it's true that a marketing funnel is the talk of the town, and a truly valuable asset in every way possible.
IF done right.
And that's a BIG if.
But your funnel is BULL$#*% if you don't have a winning ad out there working for you and the capital to scale it in the first place!
Enter 'RICH AD, POOR AD"...
... the book that calls "BULL$#*%' on  premature funnel training and recession worries and thrusts an un-apologitic middle finger high into the air, and dares to bellow out the truth...

"Your one RICH AD away..."

... from your business surviving in a recession

... from breaking through into profit
.... from having a viable business model
... from achieving a life of freedom
... if you're willing to kick your ads in the balls and show them who's boss.
.... if you're willing to Perform or Die.

Or are you one POOR AD away...

... from taking "the walk of shame" and shutting down your business.

Having Enough Access To Credit To Float The Ads Is Half The Battle

The truth is, when you have a machine that kicks out 3 dollars for every 1 dollar you put in everybody gets all excited.  

But nobody ever asks, "How long did you have to wait to get that 3 dollars out - and what kept you going during that time?
In many cases, most advertisers don't break even on their ad spend for up 3 or 4 months!

Which means, if you're spending $50,000 per month then you need $200,000 of operating capital to carry you through your time to breakeven. 
We all agree that having the capital and CASH FLOW to support just one RICH AD can bring FINANCIAL FREEDOM.
And it's no secret that money buys you TIME FREEDOM.
But now let's take a look at the "Dark Side' where the POOR AD rules.
You've no doubt puckered and squirmed in your chair as you watched a business owner's "broken dream" kick their @$$ as they took the dreaded walk of shame...

And wondered how you could make 100% that never happened to you.   
Well I’m about to tell you…

"Shark Tank Walk Of Shame!"

...all because their ads weren’t working and you didn't have the cashflow to scale. 
And because no ‘shark’ is fool enough to throw good money after bad.
And it was brutal, right? 
There’s no way to sugar-coat the slaughter of a dream. 
Some poor souls got on the show, hoping-against-hope that THIS would be the ‘big break’ that would take them far. 
So what has this to do with POOR advertising? 
Because in nearly every case, they would never have needed to come on the show…
...if they had at least one RICH AD running!

If You Had Unlimited Ad Budget And Liquidity, What Would That Mean For YOUR Business?

For me, it's all about "The Three Freedoms"
    1. Financial Freedom
    2. Time Freedom
    3. Location Freedom
Buried somewhere deeep inside these pages you’ll discover the ‘dirty little secret’ about paid traffic that nobody’s talking about (and for a very good reason). 
Then there’s the ‘why-didn’t-I-think-of-that, so-simple-it’s-ingenious’ method to stop the plumbing leaks inside the bowels of your trusty little marketing funnel.

 Here's a sample of what you'll learn inside with this 
New 100% Fail-Proof Proof Advertising Framework.

  • How to setup the Facebook Pixel....
  • Black hat tactics that'll wind up getting your ad account banned.
  • ​A Step by Step tutorial on how to create ads in Business Manager.
  • ​The Diabolical Problem every advertiser Is ashamed to talk about.
  • ​​The Simple Repeatable System that keeps 40% of venture capital from being pissed away on paid advertising...and saves you from the walk of shame.
  • ​​How to explode your ad spend without killing your cash cow.
  • ​​The foolish financial failure many advertisers fall prey to as they attempt to scale.
  • ​​The crucial nuances of "float" and "cash flow economics" in paid advertising.
  • ​​The elusive secret metric that you MUST track if you want to avoid selling half of your company to investors.
  • ​The diminishing return on "Points" and why you shouldn't be optimizing your card spend for "free flights."
  • ​How to gain CONTROL of your business, lead flow, and CASHFLOW!

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. And believe me, there’s plenty hidden below the surface. 
Secret after secret. 
Mind-boggle after mind-boggle.
Solution after solution! 
If I told you everything that’s inside, I’d have to...well, you know. 
But you’ll have access to everything, including your ‘once in a lifetime’ grab at that elusive, shiny brass ring, if…
...if you’re willing to kick your ads in the balls and show them who’s boss.
...if you’re willing to Perform Or Die.
In today’s cutthroat advertising world it’s all about…

Payback's A B*tch On Your Ad Spend During A Recession.  Right Now It's All About 'Survival Of The Fittest.'

If you don't have the cash flow to carry your payback period as an advertiser and it takes you more than 60 days to breakeven...... life's ganna suck when you scale that campaign.

Survival means spending $1 on an ad and making $2 back AND having the cash to float you until you get that $2 back in your bank.   

You get your cashflow right and you'll never have to worry about money again.
Once you accomplish that you're well on your way to thriving.
Here's what a few THRIVING Advertisers are saying about The Rich Ad Poor Ad Book.

See What Our Clients Are Saying:

I can't say enough about Zach and the FunnelDash team. I've done quite a bit of training with the different people in the industry from Jason Hornung to Nicholas Kusmich. And these guys were great in their own right but what really set Zach apart was diving deep into the management side of things with running an agency. Especially when it comes to retargeting, allocating budgets for testing, and a ton more that I never heard before, the impression share technique was gold! You guys are awesome! Thank you a million times over...

Robert Rhau
Zen Marketing Systems

Get The Rich Ad Poor Ad Book Free 
And Unlock These Special Bonuses For Just $9

Bonus #1


When you grab this book now and sign up for AdCard, we'll waive all fees on your account FOR LIFE. 

We're proud to have brought the first AdCard to market. Designed to help advertisers scale fast. 

No annual fees. No hidden fees. No Late fees. No Team Member Fees. 

A Card Built for Scaling Ads Profitably, Not "Points".   

- Get up to 60 days interest-free. 
- Earn up to 7.5% cash back on your Facebook Ad spend. 
- Unlimited FREE done for you ad copy and creative
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*to qualify you must be spending at least $15,000/mo on paid ads with AdCard

Bonus #2

No Fee's On The First 6 Months With AdCapital

Get the growth capital you need to scale your ad spend. 

If you apply for an AdCapital advance after you purchase this book we'll waive your AdCapital fee's for the first 6 months.

In other words... The first $10,000 in ad spend funded by AdCapital is fee free!

The best part? no credit check, no personal guarantee. no tax returns req'd.

* to qualify you must be spending at least $15,000/mo on paid ads.

Bonus #3

Free Affiliate Recruiting

One of the fastest ways to ensure you end up as the Advertiser with ads that make you rich is to work with top affiliates 

Scale your ads Faster with super affiliates that'll promote your product entirely on performance. 

Not looking for affiliates? Get matched with a certified & pre-vetted campaign manager based on your industry, Budget, KPI's and Needs. 

Tap into the $1 Billion dollars in media buyer performance data we have on 5,000+ campaign managers across 50,000 ad accounts.

We'll even negotiate payment terms with your affiliates and agency partners on your behalf. 

Bonus #4

Ad Performance Audit Consultation & Benchmarking

This 5 Point Facebook Ads Audit will help you easily understand your payback period on your ad spend and help you determine just how much AdCapital you need to scale without killing your cash flow. 

Plus we'll provide suggestions on how to improve your best and worst converting ads and offers.

No matter what you are currently spending simply connect your Facebook Ad Account with a single OAuth and we'll deliver a dynamic audit report that gives you 'grading criteria' to pinpoint the weak elements that has your audience scrolling past your ads. 

After identifying your top performing and highest converting ads we'll critique critical elements of your specific ad copy, creative, and audience targeting. 

You'll walk away with a PDF with hand typed notes on how to scale your ads in 2020 and beyond. 

Get this 5-Point Paid Ad Audit to generate high converting ads for free when you purchase the Rich Ad Poor Ad book today.

Bonus #5

Free Agency Growth Back Office Software

Do you manage ads for clients?

Automate your onboarding and audit access requests by sharing a single link with clients so they can grant you ad account access with a single click of a button. 

Never ask for a clients Ad ID again or have to share your Business Manager ID again. 

Plus get automated audits and dashboards created for all your ad accounts with the click of a single button.   No need to create client dashboards from scratch anymore. 

Plus get access to our Agency Funnel Templates and Deals and Pipeline management features. 

Plus Get FREE Access to entire library of Agency Growth courses at free when you purchase Rich Ad Poor Ad. 

Every resource we have for agencies is will be made available FREE during the Covid-19 crisis when your purchase this book. 

This includes. 

- Agency Funnels
- Audit Dashboards
- Automated Ad Account Access
- Deals and Pipeline Magement
- 12 Courses In Agency Growth Academy

Why am I offering this book for FREE?

The "cost" of this book is absolutely $0, and you get it instantly as a PDF download.

We just ask you to pay $9 to access the 5 bonuses we've put together for you so we can pay our Facebook Ad invoice at the end of the month.

Why just a PDF download? 

Well, I wanted to mail out physical copies.

The printing, postage and padded envelope cost upwards of $15 because the book was "too high quality" for the printers.  

About 6% of books we shipped out were getting lost in the mail. And some of them were taking nearly three weeks to arrive!

I figured you'd prefer to get the book immediately, rather than having to wait a couple of weeks.

As soon as you place your order today, you'll be sent an email receipt with the download link where you can get it.

From there you can download the book and read it. You can access your book anywhere, instantly, without having to wait for the post office to get it to you!

Oh, and in case you're wondering ...


I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

‍This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try ...or anything even remotely like that.  

I'm giving you this entire book for free, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

All we ask of you is to pay just $9 to access all the bonuses we've put together for you. 

My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

With that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:


Here's why.

I take a loss by selling you this book at this price.

The reason why is because it costs me ~$45 in advertising costs to sell one book.

So why would I do that?


I want to create a great impression on you so that one day you might do business with us again.

Yes, I have other products and services that you might be interested in.

I’m hedging my bets that you’ll enjoy the book so much, you’ll ask to try other trainings and services I offer.

Pretty straight forward really. Oh - one more thing.

You're also going to get a few special bonuses.

And You're Always Protected By Our 30 Days No Quibble, 100% Guarantee:

30 days no questions asked money back guarantee. Email our support with a request for a refund anytime before 30th day of your purchase and get your money back.

Let Me Show You EVERYTHING You Get When Your Order 
'Rich Ad Poor Ad'  Today!

  • Rich Ad Poor Ad E-Book (Value: $24.95)
  • Unlimited Done For You Ad Copy & Creative With AdCard (Value: $5,000+ per year)
  • ​ Stretch Your Monthly Ad Payments Out For 6 Months w/ AdCapital (Value: $50k)
  • ​ Free Affiliate Recruiting (Value: $1,000)
  • ​Ad Performance Audit Consultation and Benchmarking (Value: $497)

Total Value:  $56,521.95

Get Your Copy Today For


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